Prah in Slovenian means dust. This is not a pseudonym or an artist name. That’s the name of this busy author, whose poetry with Erdfall is finally accessible to German-speaking readers. The cover brings the author and title together typographically and photographically.
Luftschacht Verlag
A colorful mix
Luftschacht is a Vienna-based publisher of contemporary literature. Known for their programmatic mix of children’s books, fiction and graphic novels, they seek to provide a wide range of interesting individual pieces beyond the limits of thematic constraints.
The algorithms repeatedly conjured up in the poems not only determine our digital (social media and online shopping) world, they also offer linguistic instructions. Step by step, Harter works through seemingly inconspicuous everyday segments and presents them as pieces of speech. All this happens free of exaggerated images, Harter’s language is brief, worldly and carried by a laconic joke.
Ideally, in order to pursue a solid obsession professionally, you need someone to help you with it. Expulsions, the new novel by Markus Mittmansgruber, tells of the encounter of two people who want to realize their secret, obsessive desires. The way there is full of distrust and ramifications, which the cover should reflect in a condensed form.n.
“Tagwache” (“Day guard”) – a further cover design for Luftschacht Publishers – visualizes in graphically reduced form the transition between night and day and thus that time of the day where Jakob Pretterhofer acquaints the reader with the protagonist of his novel, Recruit Hütter. At the same time, the large-scale representation of two circles also alludes to the clear structure of hierarchical institutions like the armed forces and the clash of two worlds – that of the individuum and that of organizations.